Sunday, 27 March 2016

Topic 3: Prokaryotes & Quiz


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Hello readers, let's continue where we left on the previous week!

       On Monday 14th of March, we have did an individual quiz which is consist about 28 questions regarding the current chapter that we are learning about. We were quite shocked Dr. Wan made a surprise by doing a pop quiz for us. So I was be like, HAHAHA. 

       Honestly, i'm not so prepared for the quiz because i just go through the note and studied only a few things before the class. I repeat, studied only a FEW things and it almost to NONE. I didn't expected the questions are as much as 28 for all of it. Because in the previous quiz we only did up to 6 questions. 

       Even though I can't remembered all the content about prokaryotes, I still managed to answered the questions 22/28 correctly. Dr wan, is it good enough for the marks I've got? it's okay right? you know, I didn't study at all. Haha sorry i'm joking. Actually I'm not really satisfied about my mark but yet we have to be grateful, Alhamdulillah. There are more among my friends got higher than me so I need to work more on it to achieve higher in the future. In Syaa Allah. 

       To conclude, the purposes of the quiz are to check the level of our understanding on prokaryotes. How far was our revision goes on for the topic? Did the students really study before they entered the class? If yes, they must be able to answer the questions and ready for any kind quiz or test. And I definitely agreed with what have Dr wan did for the class. Unexpected quiz is really good for the students so they will be aware and study frequently to prepare themselves for any possibility come in the future. But, i'm still hoping our lecturer will inform us first earlier if there any quiz be held on that particular day. 

     On the next class Thursday 17th of March, we were just continued learning on the previous slide until the topic is finished. At the end of the lecture, Dr Wan brought a brownies for the whole class as a gift for group that won the quiz last week. Everyone could taste it, not only the winner and yeah of course the taste was great and delicious! Dr Wan really kept her promise! Thank you Dr Wan we love you! 


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