Sunday, 27 March 2016

Topic 3: Prokaryotes & Quiz


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Hello readers, let's continue where we left on the previous week!

       On Monday 14th of March, we have did an individual quiz which is consist about 28 questions regarding the current chapter that we are learning about. We were quite shocked Dr. Wan made a surprise by doing a pop quiz for us. So I was be like, HAHAHA. 

       Honestly, i'm not so prepared for the quiz because i just go through the note and studied only a few things before the class. I repeat, studied only a FEW things and it almost to NONE. I didn't expected the questions are as much as 28 for all of it. Because in the previous quiz we only did up to 6 questions. 

       Even though I can't remembered all the content about prokaryotes, I still managed to answered the questions 22/28 correctly. Dr wan, is it good enough for the marks I've got? it's okay right? you know, I didn't study at all. Haha sorry i'm joking. Actually I'm not really satisfied about my mark but yet we have to be grateful, Alhamdulillah. There are more among my friends got higher than me so I need to work more on it to achieve higher in the future. In Syaa Allah. 

       To conclude, the purposes of the quiz are to check the level of our understanding on prokaryotes. How far was our revision goes on for the topic? Did the students really study before they entered the class? If yes, they must be able to answer the questions and ready for any kind quiz or test. And I definitely agreed with what have Dr wan did for the class. Unexpected quiz is really good for the students so they will be aware and study frequently to prepare themselves for any possibility come in the future. But, i'm still hoping our lecturer will inform us first earlier if there any quiz be held on that particular day. 

     On the next class Thursday 17th of March, we were just continued learning on the previous slide until the topic is finished. At the end of the lecture, Dr Wan brought a brownies for the whole class as a gift for group that won the quiz last week. Everyone could taste it, not only the winner and yeah of course the taste was great and delicious! Dr Wan really kept her promise! Thank you Dr Wan we love you! 


TOPIC 3: Prokaryotes & Games


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Hello readers, 

Sunday, 13 March 2016

TOPIC 2: Microscopy & TOPIC 3: Prokaryotes


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    Hello readers, so I'm going to continue my weekly journal about the topics that I've mentioned in the title of my post. 


       On Monday's class 7th of March, we have learnt about the second topic which is microscopy. In the previous week, Dr. Wan Zuhanis gave a task to a few students (group 2) to find out how to learn the microscopy's chapter in interesting way to avoid a boring environment. So, these few students had come out with a brilliant idea even though its not as what as Dr. Wan had requested. But personally, their's effort and work had impressed me! 

      So what did they do? They did a kind of story mode's slide show and read it for us. Based on my understanding and what I  still remembered, it is about a scientist which found a new microbe then he wants to discover it in details. He did a few experiments and at the end he found out the particular microbe hates light. At the same time, a microscope is created. But they changed the story to make it more interesting and funny but the facts are still there. (please correct me if I was wrong) We were laughing in the class as well as Dr. Wan. We started the class with happy mode.

     Luckily, we all already get familiar with the components of the normal microscope because we have been exposed and used it since the primary school. So, it just a refreshment for us to remember the functions of each part of the microscope. Then only I know, the microscope that I have been normally used before is bright-field microscope.

Bright-field Microscope

     There are actually many kind of invented microscopes to discover microbes which need special treatments or techniques and cannot be seen with ordinary microscope. Below are several type of microscopes. 
Phase Contrast Microscope

Fluorescence Microscope

Confocal Microscope

Transmission Electron Microscope
Atomic Force Microscope

     Even though we do not have the opportunity to use the other type of microscopes but we still could see the example of images formed by using each type of the microscope. The structures are really beautiful and amazing. So, no wonder scientist called it "Bacteria is an Art" and behind these beautiful art, it is a living thing and have their own life.

       There are few type of stains which are 
  • Simple stains
  • Differential stains
  • Acid fast stains
  • Special stains for capsule, endospore and flagella.
       Based on what I have found and information shared by my classmates, simple staining is used to to determine cell shape, size and arrangement. It's the simplest staining involving only one stain such as gram safranin, methylene blue and gram crystal violet. Next, the differential stains. The usual differential stains is the gram staining. In other words, gram staining use to dyes to differentiate gram positive and gram negative bacteria. While, the acid fast stains is a differential stain that used to identify acid-fast organisms for microbacteria, Last, the special stains which is use to identify capsule (polysaccharide layer), endospore (bacteria that can produce endospore under unfavorable condition e.g: Bacillus anthracis) and flagella (movement of the microbe). 

       Furthermore, there are also a few questions in the "check" slide such as:
  • What are fluorochromes?
  • What can be diagnosed using bright field, phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy? 
  • What is the basis of gram staining?
  • Name three gram positive and three gram negative bacteria.
  • What did you learn from the tri to the Microscope unit?
      I already posted the answers to padlet as Dr. Wan Zuhainis have requested. Kindly refer to this link for more information. 

      At the end of the Tuesday's class, we did a quiz for this chapter about six questions and also group quiz. It was very exciting moments.

     Have you ever think how useful and helpful the technology is? I'm so grateful and I hope in one beautiful day I will be one of the Malaysian's scientist and able to have all of these experiences. What if I could discover a new type of microbe? Wow, it is a really big dream to achieve but nothing is impossible, am I right? We will go for it and do pray for us too. 

    Before the class, we were needed to submit an online mind map to PutraBlast about prokaryotes. So, I have chosen Popplet as the medium to make it. I did a revision and go through the notes before I did it. I also find some extra information and a few definition about unfamiliar science terms from the internet to make an 'informative' mind map. I shared the extras information on my mind map so my friends would also get the knowledge too.

Kindly check out my mind map here,

   On Thursday 10th of March, Dr. Wan Zuhainis have made a 'mind map' game at which all the students are needed to make only ONE mind map on the whiteboard. Each of the students should fill up the branches for at least one information about prokaryotes. But the rule is to make it silently so we could not talking to each other. But yet there are still a few students were talking including me actually. No, i'm not talking to my friends! I just talked to myself "hmm what else to write? oh seems like there are few infos are repeated here" .

     We also did an activity on Quizlet at which we have to write down any terms or subjects from prokaryotes and give their definitions. We were been given 10 minutes to do it and I could made it 11 terms with definitions. Next, we have to do a quiz which the questions are from the previous activity we did on the Quizlet. Yes it's very easy and I got 100% for the test. Then I downloaded the result and post it to PutraBlast.

     Last activity we were just go through a few slides of prokaryotes, discussed together about it and will be continue on next Monday 14th of March. I think that's all for this week's entry. Thanks for reading.




Saturday, 5 March 2016

TOPIC 1: Introduction To Microbiology and Bacteria As An Art


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    Hello beloved readers, as all microbe's students have been asked to make a reflective journal for every topic in Microbiology's course, therefore I've chosen a blog as the medium to write it. 

     Before we're going to depth, I am Nurul Syafiqah binti Azhar (182757). First of all, it is such an honor to have a very capable lecturer as Dr. Wan Zuhainis to be our lecturer in Microbiology. Dr.Wan's talk had impressed me since in the early semester 1 on the first meeting between all students and lecturers from other departments in Faculty Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at DKU.

      So for the first entry, I would like to share my first impression in microbiology. Before I've been exposed to the contents of microbiology, I'm thinking "oh no, it must be a boring class because we're going to learn about the cell kind of thing again" No, I would say that i'm absolutely wrong. In Dr Wan's class, we had so much fun and within same time we learnt and gained knowledge. 

     We have used the technology and been exposed to many kind of education's ways of learning. We're needed to use the applications such as Paddlet, Blendspace, EdPuzzle and etc. Even in the class, we were also have to try and search the information by our self before the lecturer give further explanation about the current topic. These increase the efficiency in learning process.

       So, one of the interesting fact in microbiology is to know how could tiny organisms give very big impacts to humans or animals either bad or good things. They are more in population they even can reproduce rapidly compared to humans but yet still cannot be seen with naked eyes. They are everywhere around us but invisible. It can be simply said, they are one of the powerful creation. Amazing!

     Furthermore, we also got to know many kinds of microbes that we are not familiar with. Even we have heard their name before, but we did not know the special characteristics of the microbe. For example, mycoplasma is a bacteria while thermoplasma is an archaea. But both shared same characteristic which they can change their shape depends on the surrounding environment (unfavorable). Beside, Mycoplasma is the smallest bacterium in the world. They are even smaller than the viruses. What an amazing fact to know!

    Moreover, we know that one of the characteristic of viruses is they are small compared to bacteria. But Dr. Wan had told us that there is the largest virus in the world (giant virus) have been found by the scientist at which they can be seen with naked eyes! The virus is called as Pithovirus or  Pithovirus sibericum. 

Phitovirus sibericum

   I love to know facts and like to discover things that caught my attention and make me curious to know. Many facts about microbe have been exposed in the first topic. I hope, I can learn the next topic with more interesting facts beside only learn based on the notes. I think, that's all for my first entry. Thanks for reading! Assalamualaikum.